In business
since 1970 |
Plans, kits, parts, videos for the homebuilt helicopter
To order plans or other products:
Please go to the page of interest and scroll down for ordering info.
Vortech contact numbers:
To order by phone, please call
410-668-2757 weekdays from 3 pm to 8 pm east-coast time. If you get
a recording, we may be on another line or in the field, in which
case try later or leave a message.
A Quick Quiz:
What is the most complete and affordable homebuilt helicopter
plans? Answer...
What is the
world's most popular and affordable 2-seater?
What is, hands
down, the world's best single-seat helicopter?
What is the
world's tiniest ultralight helicopter?
What is your best
source for used homebuilt helicopters?
Where can you find books on
flying helicopters, gyros, etc?
Answer... |
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